Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Run-of-the-mill restaurants are so pre-recession - the capital's food cognoscenti are heading to underground home bistros

Arguably the first underground supper club in the capital, Horton Jupiter’s restaurant run from his ex-council flat in Stoke Newington has already amassed more than 1,000 followers on Facebook. Every Wednesday Jupiter serves up vegetarian Japanese fusion-style food to mainly young, mdia types. At £15-£20 for six courses, it’s one of the cheapest underground food venues around and yet one of the most refined, with each dish beautifully presented. If you’re lucky, Jupiter, a musician, might even play something for you.

USP: Beautifully crafted Japanese food
When? Every Wednesday
How much? £15-£20 for six courses

1 comment:

  1. A unique and unusual setting, finding "The Secret Ingredient" was a mission to find, but not to far, and certainly worth it!

    Once we finally arrived there was a slight air of awkwardness, which was slowly broken down by comments between the different parties and a glass of wine by Horton’s wonderful waitress.

    When all parties were seated and ready to feast on a delight of flavours from Horton and his culinary skills, dish after diash after dish, elegantly presented and served.

    The air of awkwardness was broken by introductions and interesting conversations, the like you would never get from an established or ordinarily set restaurant.

    Not being a veggie, but still loving Japanese food I'd decided to try HJ's inventive idea and judge for myself, I tried more than I would usually have had and found the flavours quite exquisite.

    Chatting with Horton after lead me to the reason "HOW" he came up with such a fantastic idea and one to share with those of an adventurous nature. I'm not going to reveal the "HOW", you'll just have to experience it for yourself and engage in that discussion yourself...

    Thanks Horton, don't stop changing everone's lives! ;-)


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