Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Medal-Winning Day of the Dead

On Monday 31st August on London Fields you could have witnessed a pretty unique event - a sports day with a twist organised by Marie aka Sally Guzzle, which was held in aid of the British Heart Foundation.

The races had titles such as the 100 metre shuffle, and the brain and spoon race, so I think you can guess where this is going. Yes, it was a sportsday for zombies! I had a great time running around with my camera and I met some fantastic people there, but if you're squeamish you might want to look away now because you can guess what's coming next...

I've waited until this point to show you a rather alarming shot. The guy in the middle here is wearing a very good version of a S.T.A.R.S agent's uniform (the group battling to defeat zombies in the Resident Evil series of computer games, and also in a terrible movie...) but it looks like he's been distracted by the rather weak-looking zombie in front of him, and is completely unaware of the fierce one behind him who's about to remove his head from his shoulders :O

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