The ancient activity of the pub quiz is not to be taken lightly. That is unless you're at one of the Spam and Beans quizzes held across London. Dalston Superstore's café-cum-bar atmosphere, helps it transform into the perfect pub quiz location when the sun goes down.
Spam Fritturz and Lizzy Beans (real names Sam Curtis and Elizabeth Bassham) have been impressing "tens and tens" (their words) of people with their "world famous" pub quizzes for the past three years. Their quizzes are a little more interactive than your usual high brow quiz, featuring cheesetastic camp dancing by the hosts themselves as an evening starter.
First up is the "Name The David" picture round which we dutifully complete before the real round of questions start. Given the sheer noise of the packed out venue (a good thing), it's best not to take the questions too seriously. Of course it doesn't matter too much when the round one opening is "Who wears better suits? Elton John or K.D Lang?" (Elton John of course). The questions focus mostly on popular culture which fits in well with the contestants - twenty-something students and creatives, a mish mash of the east end cool kids.
Audience participation rounds demand a little embarrassment from each team's contestants, with a duke-it-out style competition that involves pulling modeling poses and seeing who can eat half a Ryvita the quickest (we won). The prizes are cheap, but so is the entry, so there's no point getting too upset upon winning a kid's hair braider, a giant pen and a water-balloon catapult. And that's just for the Ryvita round...
For £1 a person, the Spam and Beans quiz is an easy-going way to start and end your Wednesday night. The crowd is relaxed, the bar staff friendly, and the prizes poptastically pound worthy. You may even win a bottle of fizz...
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